Thursday, July 23, 2009

The World’s Gamble

The World’s Gamble

Author: Flor Ayag

ALL you need is a dollar and a dream.” The dream was to win the New York lottery jackpot of 45 million dollars. A dollar bought a shot at winning. The dreamers came by the millions. Standing in line to buy their tickets, they chatted about yachts and mink coats and mansions—things they would buy if they won the prize money. At one point, throughout the state, they snapped up tickets at the rate of 28,000 per minute. In the final three days before the drawing, they bought 37.4 million tickets.

In Japan business is always brisk at the 10,000 authorized lottery booths where people flock to buy tickets for the Year-End Jumbo Takarakuji (Lottery). At one Tokyo booth where five first-prize tickets had reportedly been sold in previous years, about 300 people were already standing in line when the booth opened for business. One young woman, who believed that luck favors the early bird, had been waiting since 1:00 a.m. The coveted jackpot last year: a record 100 million yen ($714,285, U.S.).

In a West African capital, what the locals call the Lotto College area is always crowded with people who have come to buy tickets and to speculate on future numbers. Long lists of past winning numbers are sold to those who hope to find in them some clue to future combinations. For those with faith in mystic knowledge, lotto prophets are on hand to prophesy, for a fee, numbers to bet on.

Isolated occurrences? By no means. Lottery fever is pandemic. It inflames every continent. It burns in rich countries and poor. It excites young and old at every economic, social, and educational level of society.

Yes, lotteries are big business, and business is booming. In the United States alone, State lotteries took in $18.5 thousand million in 1989. Only 27 years ago, that figure was zero. But now lotteries are the second-largest form of gambling in the United States, and the industry is growing by 17.5 percent every year, as fast as the computer industry.

Worldwide lottery sales in 1988, according to the latest figures available from the magazine Gaming and Wagering Business, totaled $56.38 thousand million, an enormous figure. That amounts to more than ten dollars for every man, woman, and child on earth! And that’s in just one year!

While no one can deny that lotteries are prospering, many argue strongly against them. The next two articles examine the growing popularity of lotteries and the controversy behind them. As you consider the facts, you will be able to decide whether lotteries are for you. Is it smart to play? How easy is it to win? Can you lose more than money?

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Would you like to get free Hollywood sexy actress wallpaper and Beautifull Picture in around the world.

Article Source: - The World’s Gamble

The Tokyo Summit

The Tokyo Summit

Author: Flor Ayag

THE leaders of the seven most industrialized democracies today open their summit conference . . . to find a way out of the deepening world oil crisis, reported the Mainichi Daily News.

But did they find a way out? What was the result of this impressive summit conference held in Tokyo, Japan, this past summer, representing the leaders of some of the most powerful nations? Indeed, why was the meeting held?

Since the oil crisis of 1973, when the oil-exporting nations dramatically increased oil prices, the countries having to import oil have been hard pressed by inflation, recession and disorder in world money markets. For this reason, beginning in 1975, annual economic summit conferences were held to find solutions.

But are the nations better off now than they were four years ago? No, for there was even greater urgency at the Tokyo meeting because of the energy crisis of 1979.

So this summit meeting concentrated on energy. The main issues were: the oil supply, oil prices, inflation, the gap between richer and poorer nations, and international money woes.

However, as if to taunt the summit, on the very day its meeting opened, a three-day conference of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) concluded in Geneva, Switzerland. Its result? The OPEC nations announced another large increase in oil prices, pushing the price as high as $23.50 (U.S.) a barrel, when not too long ago it was about one tenth that price! This increase, on top of others made this year, means that oil prices have risen about 50 percent in 1979!

What Was the Outcome?

What did the Tokyo summit accomplish? Since the main target was the oil problem, a joint declaration said: The most urgent tasks are to reduce oil consumption and to hasten the development of other energy.

The participating nations agreed to try to maintain, for about five years, a level of oil imports no greater than that of 1977 or 1978. However, some observed that this was not much help, since oil imports were at peak levels then.

The summit declaration also spoke of intensifying efforts to pursue the economic policies appropriate in each of our countries to achieve durable external equilibrium. In other words, each country will make its own decision as to what is appropriate economic policy.

One paragraph caused discomfort for Japan. It said: We deplore the decision taken by the recent OPEC conference. We recognize that relative moderation was displayed by certain participants. But the unwarranted rise in oil prices nevertheless agreed upon are bound to have very serious economic and social consequences.

The Daily Yomiuri reported: Foreign Minister Sonoda was displeased with the strong censure of OPEC. Why this sensitivity? Because Japan imports almost all its oil from OPEC. Thus the article concluded: One top Foreign Ministry official said after the Tokyo summit that Japan would take steps to placate the oil-producing nations.

Obviously, these seven nations did not achieve one of their most important goals—unity of action. Also, the problems confronting these, and other nations, are just as large now as they were before the Tokyo summit. Actually, they are larger, because the price of oil is much higher now.

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Article Source: - The Tokyo Summit

The Growing Oil Crisis

The Growing Oil Crisis

Author: Flor Ayag

THE “lifeblood” of every industrial nation is OIL, that is, petroleum. Without it many homes would go unheated in winter. There would be no gasoline for automobiles, trucks and tractors, or fuel for airplanes.

A host of electric appliances would not function without oil. Lights, ovens, washing machines, air-conditioners, television sets and many others would shut off. Why? Because much of the electricity used in the world today comes from generators fueled by oil.

Most machines depend on lubricants made from oil. Too, without oil a wide range of products would be affected. These include paints, plastics, synthetic fibers and rubber, fertilizers and others. Their production involves the use of oil.

Truly, if oil were no longer available, the economies of the industrial nations would grind to a halt in a matter of months! Even serious shortages would be severely damaging, as has been evidenced by what has happened since the Arab lands have cut down the amount of oil they were supplying other nations.

Which industrial nations are especially hard hit? An American official states: “An energy crisis of unprecedented dimensions today grips the whole world. It hits hardest at advanced industrial lands dependent on the Middle East as prime source of oil, among them the United States, Japan and the nations of western Europe.”

But why the crisis? Aside from the Arab cutoffs, was the world running out of oil? Would there still have been a shortage? Why are the Western nations and Japan so affected, and not the Communist lands?

Is Oil Running Out?

First of all, is the world’s supply of oil running out? No, there is not really a shortage of oil on this planet, as of now. True, if present usage continues, someday it could conceivably run out. But that is not the case now, for proved reserves are more than enough for the industrial nations for quite a few years yet.

However, there is indeed an oil crisis. One reason centers on the availability of the oil. In some places it is being used faster than new oil can be pumped out of the ground and refined into its various products. Any nation that uses more oil than it produces will have a problem. And the world is using it so fast that at times it has trouble getting enough from various sources. Time magazine says: “The world’s consumption of oil is increasing by 8% a year, and U.S. consumption, now nearly 40% of the total, is rising by 8.7%.”

This leads to the more fundamental problem: the largest oil users are often the ones that do not have large supplies within their borders. They are more often ‘oil poor,’ not having enough reserves within the ground that they can tap. The western European nations have hardly any oil pools at all within their borders. Japan has very little. And the United States has far less than it needs, with its oil fields tapering off due to overuse for many years.

So there is enough oil still under the ground to last large users such as western Europe, Japan and the United States several decades. But because they are using it so fast, and because the large reserves they need are not found within their borders, they have the problem of trying to get it from where it is available. That is not so easy.

Other Energy Sources?

However, are there not other sources of energy that the industrial nations of the West and Japan can use instead of oil? Why not atomic energy, natural gas, coal, water power, or even solar (sun) energy?

Such other energy sources have been used, or are under development. But none of them can fill the gap in energy requirements for the next ten to fifteen years at least. The demand for energy rises so fast that these other sources simply cannot provide enough at present. They can only supplement the use of oil, not replace it.

For instance, atomic energy has been hailed as a future major energy source. But it is not that as of now. Scientists do not expect it to be for at least another decade or two. Also, atomic energy is mainly used as a fuel for generators to make electricity. But can it fuel automobiles, tractors, airplanes? Not in the near future. So while atomic energy can generate electricity, and is doing so on a relatively small scale now, it does not solve the energy problem that exists today and that will worsen in the next few years. Also, there is the problem of radiation pollution that may jeopardize its use on more than a limited scale.

How about coal? Coal is abundant in many areas. It can be used as a fuel to turn generators making electricity. It can also be used for heating homes and in other ways. But to use it in such things as automobiles it must be converted to a liquid fuel. This is an expensive process. Oil is cheaper. Also, coal is generally regarded as a “dirty” fuel, a greater pollutant than “cleaner” oil. For this reason, in some areas where pollution standards have been set, it is not possible to use coal.

But is there not talk of large amounts of oil-containing rocks (known as shale) in the western United States? Also, how about the oil-containing sands of Canada? There is said to be billions of barrels of oil locked into those rocks and sands. True, but the cost of getting the oil out is far greater than the cost of merely pumping it directly from the ground. Entire industries would have to be developed to process the huge quantities that would be needed. It is not at all likely that this can or will be done in time to satisfy the growing demand for fuel.

What about water power? The building of dams along rivers harnesses the mighty power of water. But this is principally as a source of generating electricity. The descending water turns generators that make electricity. But such a source of energy is limited. It cannot fuel automobiles. It cannot provide lubricants for the machinery of industry. Also, in many lands the use of rivers and dams even for the generation of electricity is limited. That is why water power contributes only a small part of the total energy produced today. It will contribute an even smaller proportion in the near future as the energy demands soar.

Natural gas is also a desired energy source. But the nations of western Europe and Japan have little. In the United States, natural gas production is not likely to increase much, as new fields are harder and harder to find. Yet it is in these particular nations that the demand for energy fuels leaps ahead.

Is solar energy, the energy that can be harnessed from the sun, the answer? Someday—perhaps. But surely not in time to meet the growing crisis now.

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Would you like to get free Hollywood sexy actress wallpaper and Beautifull Picture in around the world.

Article Source: - The Growing Oil Crisis

Selling Blood is Big Business

Selling Blood is Big Business

Author: Flor Ayag

RED GOLD! As the nickname implies, this is one highly valued substance. It is a precious fluid, a crucial natural resource that has been compared not only to gold but also to oil and coal. However, red gold is not mined from veins in the rocks with drills and dynamite. It is mined from the veins of people by much subtler means.

Please, my little girl needs blood, implores a billboard that looms over a busy avenue in New York City. Other advertisements urge: If you’re a donor, you’re the type this world can’t live without. Your blood counts. Lend an arm.

People who want to help others evidently do get the message. They line up in droves, worldwide. No doubt most of them, as well as the people collecting the blood and the people transfusing the blood, sincerely want to help the afflicted and believe that they are doing so.

But after blood is donated and before it is transfused, it passes through more hands and undergoes more procedures than most of us realize. Like gold, blood inspires greed. It may be sold at a profit and then resold at a larger profit. Some people fight over the rights to collect blood, they sell it at exorbitant prices, they make fortunes from it, and they even smuggle it from one country to another. The world over, selling blood is big business.

In the United States, donors were once paid outright for their blood. But in 1971 British author Richard Titmuss charged that by thus luring the poor and sick to donate blood for the sake of a few dollars, the American system was unsafe. He also argued that it was immoral for people to profit from giving their blood to help others. His attack prompted an end to the paying of whole-blood donors in the United States (although the system still thrives in some lands). Yet, that did not make the blood market any less profitable. Why?

How Blood Remained Profitable

In the 1940’s, scientists began to separate blood into its components. The process, now called fractionation, makes blood an even more lucrative business. How? Well, consider: When dismantled and its parts sold, a late-model car may be worth up to five times its value when intact. Similarly, blood is worth much more when it is divided up and its components are sold separately.

Plasma, which makes up about half of the blood’s total volume, is an especially profitable blood component. Since plasma has none of the cellular blood parts—red cells, white cells, and platelets—it can be dried and stored. Furthermore, a donor is allowed to give whole blood only five times a year, but he can give plasma up to twice a week by undergoing plasmapheresis. In this process, whole blood is extracted, the plasma separated, and then the cellular components are reinfused into the donor.

The United States still allows donors to be paid for their plasma. Moreover, that country permits donors to give about four times more plasma annually than the World Health Organization recommends! Little wonder, then, that the United States collects over 60 percent of the world’s plasma supply. All that plasma in itself is worth about $450 million, but it fetches much more on the market because plasma too can be separated into various ingredients. Worldwide, plasma is the basis for a $2,000,000,000-a-year industry!

Japan, according to the newspaper Mainichi Shimbun, consumes about a third of the world’s plasma. That country imports 96 percent of this blood component, most of it from the United States. Critics within Japan have called that country the vampire of the world, and the Japanese Health and Welfare Ministry has tried to clamp down on the trade, saying that it is unreasonable to profit from blood. In fact, the Ministry charges that medical institutions in Japan make some $200,000,000 in profits each year from just one plasma component, albumin.

The Federal Republic of Germany consumes more blood products than the rest of Europe combined, more per person than any country in the world. The book Zum Beispiel Blut (For Instance, Blood) says of blood products: Over half is imported, mainly from the U.S.A., but also from the Third World. In any case from the poor, who want to improve their income by donating plasma. Some of these poor people sell so much of their blood that they die from blood loss.

Many commercial plasma-centers are strategically located in low-income areas or along the borders of poorer countries. They draw the impoverished and the derelicts, who are all too willing to trade plasma for money and have ample reason to give more than they should or to conceal any illnesses they might harbor. Such plasma traffic has arisen in 25 countries around the world. As soon as it is stopped in one country, it springs up in another. Bribery of officials as well as smuggling is not uncommon.

Profit in the Nonprofit Realm

But nonprofit blood banks have also come under harsh criticism lately. In 1986 reporter Andrea Rock charged in Money magazine that a unit of blood costs the blood banks $57.50 to collect from donors, that it costs the hospitals $88.00 to buy it from the blood banks, and that it costs patients from $375 to $600 to receive it in a transfusion.

Has the situation changed since then? In September 1989 reporter Gilbert M. Gaul of The Philadelphia Inquirer wrote a series of newspaper articles on the U.S. blood-banking system. After a yearlong investigation, he reported that some blood banks beg people to donate blood and then turn around and sell as much as half of that blood to other blood centers, at a considerable profit. Gaul estimated that blood banks trade about a million pints [half a million liters] of blood every year in this way, in a shadowy $50,000,000-a-year market that functions somewhat like a stock exchange.

A key difference, though: This blood exchange is not monitored by the government. No one can measure the exact extent of it, let alone regulate its prices. And many blood donors know nothing about it. People are being fooled, one retired blood banker told The Philadelphia Inquirer. Nobody is telling them that their blood is going to us. They would be furious if they knew about it. A Red Cross official put it succinctly: Blood bankers have for years fooled the American public.

In the United States alone, blood banks collect some 13.5 million pints [6.5 million L] of blood every year, and they sell over 30 million units of blood products for about a thousand million dollars. This is a tremendous amount of money. Blood banks don’t use the term profit. They prefer the phrase excesses over expenses. The Red Cross, for instance, made $300 million in excesses over expenses from 1980 to 1987.

The blood banks protest that they are nonprofit organizations. They claim that unlike big corporations on Wall Street, their money does not go to stockholders. But if the Red Cross did have shareholders, it would be ranked among the most profitable corporations in the United States, such as General Motors. And blood-bank officials do have handsome salaries. Of officials in 62 blood banks surveyed by The Philadelphia Inquirer, 25 percent made over $100,000 a year. Some made more than twice that much.

Blood bankers also claim that they do not sell the blood they collect—they only charge processing fees. One blood banker retorts to that claim: It drives me crazy when the Red Cross says it doesn’t sell blood. That’s like the supermarket saying they’re only charging you for the carton, not the milk.

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Would you like to get free Hollywood sexy actress wallpaper and Beautifull Picture in around the world.

Article Source: - Selling Blood is Big Business

Pornography Goes On-line

Pornography Goes On-line

Author: Flor Ayag

ALL OVER THE WORLD, MILLIONS OF PEOPLE USE THE Internet every day. Many log on to conduct business, to catch up on world news, to check the weather, to learn about different countries, to obtain travel information, or to communicate with family and friends in various parts of the world. But some—married and single adults as well as a surprising number of children—will be going on-line for a very different reason: TO LOOK AT PORNOGRAPHY.

COMPUTER PORNOGRAPHY, also called cyberporn, is so popular that it has become a multimillion-dollar business. The Wall Street Journal observed: Find a Web site that is in the black [profitable] and, chances are, its business and content are distinctly blue .

The Journal went on to explain why people turn to the Internet for pornography: Customers can view racy fare without having to slink into a sleazy bookstore or even visit the back room of the neighborhood video shop. Customers can peruse raunchy fare in the privacy of the home—or office.

Pornography and Children

Sadly, many of cyberporn’s viewers are children. Youngsters who are prohibited by law from purchasing pornographic literature or from renting pornographic videos can gain access to these in their own home with a few clicks of the mouse. The choices are endless.

Many children regularly visit Internet sites without their parents’ knowledge. In fact, The Detroit News states that more than two in five children have subscribed to a web site or other service online even though nearly 85 percent of parents have rules against doing so.

While most children—and adults as well—are careful to hide the fact that they dabble in pornography, not everyone sees the need to do so. Some consider the practice to be a harmless form of recreation. Others concede that pornography is not good for children but reason that what adults do in private is their own business.

In some countries the controversy over pornography has turned into a full-scale political battle. On one side of the argument, free-speech proponents campaign in favor of pornography, and on the other, family-values advocates lobby the authorities to ban pornography.

Awake! does not take sides in political issues. The purpose of this series is to inform our readers of the dangers of viewing pornography, to suggest ways that they can protect themselves and their loved ones, and to provide Bible-based suggestions for anyone who has become ensnared by pornography and wishes to break free.

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Would you like to get free Hollywood sexy actress wallpaper and Beautifull Picture in around the world.

Article Source: - Pornography Goes On-line

Starting a Business Philippine Style

Starting a Business Philippine Style

Author: Flor Ayag

DO YOU prefer working regular hours under a reasonable supervisor in a well-established city office? Many people do. A person with such employment may enjoy greater security than one starting out fresh in a business of his own.

In the Philippines, however, there are those who prefer taking the risk. They want to enjoy working hours suited to their needs. There will, of course, be no promotions, no occasional raises in salary and no possibility of receiving a gold watch upon retirement. But this does not particularly concern these individuals. They find satisfaction in making a living by using their own skills and sound business sense. For them, nothing can compare with the opportunity of working with wife and children all day long and counting their blessings together when evening falls.

Filipinos often start a small business right at home. Consider what some of the possibilities are.

What Kind of Business?

Do you have a hobby that could become a full-time job? Perhaps you make toys for your children. If so, could you also make toys for other people’s children? In the Philippine city of Cebu, the production of toy guitars is not simply a hobby but a profitable business. The craftsmen work at home, producing toy guitars, ukuleles, bandurias and even very professional guitars that are sold at airports and music shops. Often at the end of the workday, the hills come alive with the music of thousands of stringed instruments, as family after family plays together.

Industrious Bicol folk produce handbags, slippers and numerous ladies’ accessories from abaca fiber. Deft hands in Bulacan and Quezon provinces weave buntal hats out of the petiole fibers of the buri palm tree. Here, try this on. Cool and dignified, is it not? Here is another one. Why, it makes you look 10 years younger!

Beneath Zamboanga’s lazy blue waters are found the tapering “antlers” of black coral. Craftsmen in Quezon City and Manila fashion the coral into tiepins, cuff links, rings, earrings, bracelets and necklaces. In the sandy seabeds off Surigao, Samar, Leyte and Panay, one can discover a treasure trove of shells—tiger cowrie, conch, lupo and kapis. Nimble hands make these into curtains, lampstands, windowpanes and chandeliers, which inhabitants of Paris, London or New York city would be proud to display in their homes.

Shoemaking may seem like an unlikely venture. But, in 1884, young Kapitan Moy bought a sturdy pair of British shoes. Back home he got more interested in the shoes. So he took them apart, and then put them back together again. Soon he set up a shoemaking shop and began sharing his new skills with neighbors. Almost a century later, the town of Marikina is going full speed ahead in the shoe-manufacturing business. In many, many homes of this town, grandpas, grandmas, papas, mamas and children home from school, busy as bees, are making the shoes that some of us will probably be wearing tomorrow. “Today,” says the Marikina Shoe Trade Commissioner, “we export shoes to many countries, including the source of Kapitan Moy’s shoes which he bought back in 1884.”

The growth of Marikina’s shoe trade has meant more business for other towns. For example, Meycauayan in Bulacan supplies Marikina with much shoe leather. In turn, Marinduque, Masbate, Mindoro, Palawan, Romblon and other islands keep Meycauayan supplied with hides from cattle and carabaos. They also furnish alligator, goat, pig and snake skins for shoes, handbags and belts.

Many Filipinos open small stores or operate stalls in the public markets. Family members usually take turns tending these stalls in the markets of Kamuning, Cubao, Tondo and elsewhere. Divisoria Market in Manila is said to be the biggest market of its kind in the Philippines. It is not one vast supermarket owned and run by a single individual or company, but consists of thousands of small family stores under one roof. Haggling over prices here is an art honed to perfection.

The Government Lends a Hand

Aware of the potential of “cottage industries,” the Philippine government offers some aid to enterprising Filipinos. There are free seminars on various crafts. A course is even offered on raising mushrooms.

Government assistance is also provided to help people to improve the quality of their products. In Albay, for instance, many have advanced from making clay pots to the study of ceramics. In Ilocos Norte, people are learning how to make bricks and tiles.

The Philippine Daily Express, in an August 17, 1974, editorial, reported that the National Science Development Board has sent food-training experts to 39 Philippine provinces, “propagating different methods of food processing, so that items like coconut water, excess vegetables, seasonal fruits and small fish may be put to commercial” uses. This has resulted in the formation of “18 cottage industry cooperatives.”

Cooperatives? Yes, these are formed when several small businesses join together for mutual protection and profit. They are duly registered with the proper government bureau. The government encourages the establishment of cooperatives by granting them tax exemption and various forms of protection. These cooperatives enable the group to buy at factory prices, to sell at lower prices than they could individually and then mutually to share the profits.

For people who still prefer to be in business on their own, help is offered through the National Cottage Industries Development Authority (NACIDA). This agency gives valuable pointers on making Philippine handicrafts. The government also grants a five-year tax exemption for those registered as having their own “cottage industry,” enabling many to continue in operation and to prosper.

Financing the Business

But where do people get the money to start in business? Actually, very little may be needed. For example, a young man sold a ring. With the proceeds he started a small jewelry business. Today he can also sell, not only jewels, but even the dust in his workshop for good money. Why? There is gold in every pinch of it!

Another man discussed the matter with his in-laws. They liked his project and provided some 200 pesos (about $30, U.S.) each. Now his coral craft brings in a sizable income, and all share in the profits.

Some banks maintain lending offices in public markets to assist stall holders financially. Wise Filipinos avoid unscrupulous money lenders whose high cumulative interest rates can quickly gobble up not only profits but the entire business capital as well.

Is It for You?

Going into business for yourself has some advantages. A person is usually freer to make his own daily schedule for work and recreation. He is not responsible to any supervisor and he may have more time to relax with his family. By choosing the type of work that appeals to him, he avoids being tied down to a boring job just to make a living. He can also enjoy the challenge to his ingenuity that his business provides.

But there are risks. A person can lose his capital through bad management or unforeseen problems. Competition or inflation could cut profits. Then there is the anxiety about being successful, since running one’s own business may lack the security of being in someone else’s employ. It may be, too, that more time has to be spent in caring for the business than had been anticipated.

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Would you like to get free Hollywood sexy actress wallpaper and Beautifull Picture in around the world.

Article Source: - Starting a Business Philippine Style

Super Affiliate Marketing Secrets

Super Affiliate Marketing Secrets

Author: Shivi.Kashyap.

As an affiliate you will enjoy the freedom and flexibility that working from home affords. Nowadays, working at home can be just as satisfying as working on the 30th floor of an office skyscraper. People have been given new opportunities to work from home by the business that are offered by the Internet's world wide network
Because of the nature of this business, individuals are capable of working in their very own home with hours that they create. Whilst you are working from your home, there is no work superior or 'boss' to undercut your work or continuously remind you of working deadlines. Your desk is clear of paperwork. Those who have joined affiliate marketing, the new way to make money instead of the typical day to day employment, share some of their conveniences. For more details go to .Super affiliate marketing is a business that can help you accomplish your financial goals without sacrificing your quality of life. If you were to question others who involved in this business you would find that they have experienced great rewards for their efforts.
Merchant's websites are promoted by affiliates in this marketing concept. Website is owned by the affiliate towards marketing.
Every time a user clicks the button associated with one of the merchants promoted by the affiliate's site, the affiliate earns a commission. The commission is received because of the effort that was made in process of the merchant making a sale.
The top producers are awarded the most success when they find out the secret to what really generates sales. If a person is confident and self- assured, you will be able to gain this knowledge. Creating considerable income follows diligent and ongoing work, which thereby creates new super affiliates.
Super affiliates, as they are called, know the business at the deepest level. Better than affiliate managers they understand what is required to create a successful affiliate marketing business and to then take it up a level higher. Super affiliates use ability earned from time and experience to grow their own business vastly. The primary means of achieving this high rate of success is by collecting a large number of people's email addresses in a database, gathered through e-mail subscriptions.
You must retain your own website and auto responder to become a super affiliate. When managing one's own business, you'll find that these two tools are very useful. Building own list of customers is another challenge all its own. One of the secrets that the super affiliates are aware of and make use of is developing a list of reliable clients and maintaining that client base. Becoming a super affiliate requires very strong customer relations. For more information logon to .To have success as a super affiliate, you must continuously market your list. By marketing, it means providing quality content that your readers appreciate. To attract the customer attention, you should give enough time to prepare the genuine content.
The greatest step you can take to becoming a super affiliate is to continuously search out new prospects. Having more and more of the net population find your website and end up signing for your interesting newsletter will present you with an ever growing list of subscribers and this will allow you to set up your own automated marketing system to submit your website content and affiliate links without your having to do any additional work.
With dedication and hard work, people who stay focused can become a super affiliate and reap tremendous rewards. The beginning period is the hardest part of any business. However, as a super affiliate your investment can be small and you can get a great amount of returns if you care for the new establishment properly by giving it a sufficient amount of time and thought. Testing and tracking everything you do is important.

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Article Source: - Super Affiliate Marketing Secrets

How to Start Your Online Dating Business During Crisis?

How to Start Your Online Dating Business During Crisis?

Author: Julia Dorofeeva

If you are looking for a business to start, start Online Dating Business with us now and profit next year: save time, money and get professional support. Try PG Dating Pro and enjoy Christmas holidays!

World crisis is going on and more and more people are loosing jobs. Many of them start thinking about other sources of income. You can either try to find a job or start your own business. Starting a new business is tough unless it's Internet business. You do not need much effort to start online business.

It's fast and cost-effective especially if you use ready-made software. You can choose between different industries to go into: real estate, dating, online training, online shopping and other online services. As surveys show, online dating industry is in its rise now due to the fact that people during crisis try to establish romantic relationships online to feel more confident in their future. People prefer dating online to offline. This also includes women, who used to be critical about online dating sites.
Casual and speed dating becomes a significant part of huge social networking sites like Friendster, MySpace, Hi5 and others. So it's worth considering starting your own niche dating site as you can get many sign ups during Christmas holidays.

Holidays have always been a good time for business start ups: people are not working, they go online, and they have more time to spend on your site. Spending money offline is less frequent.

So if you are looking for a business to start, start Online Dating Business with us now and profit next year: save time, money and get professional support.

Try PG Dating Pro - and enjoy Christmas holidays!

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Julia Dorofeeva Support and sales director specializing in Dating scripts

Article Source: - How to Start Your Online Dating Business During Crisis?

How to Deal With Paypal

How to Deal With Paypal

Author: Rohan

PayPal has been a major online payment system for many businesses and individuals around the world. But many people have negative experience with it. Today internet is full with the horrible stories by many people. A number of complaints are available on internet against the unethical behavior of PayPal. More and more people are becoming victims of PayPal and once a PayPal account is ripped off, it is a difficult task to restore the account.

Sometimes your account gets frozen due to some incomprehensible reasons. It is better if PayPal provide us with all the do’s and don’ts so that all we know that what they have allowed and what they have not.

It is advisable that before opening an account with PayPal, you must read their terms and policies. Also you need to get your documents ready all the time. In case if your account has made limited or frozen, you will be asked to provide the photocopies of your documents including your national identity card, your passport, driving license, bank statement, credit/debit card and proof of shipment.

If you are in USA, then in addition to these documents, you will also be asked to provide the photocopies of your green card/passport, social security number and a number of other things. Dealing with PayPal can really be frustrating task especially for the new comers. Here are some tips that can keep your PayPal account in good standings.

  • To securely access your PayPal account type

  • Never share your user id and password with anyone.

  • Keep your PayPal password unique and never keep it same like your MSN or Yahoo password.

  • Don’t share your personal information with anyone via emails.

  • Verify your PayPal account by providing all the required stuff.

  • Before doing business with a particular website, make sure it has legitimate privacy and security seals of PayPal.

  • Never try to access your PayPal account from the unsupported countries.

  • Never make big transaction instantly.

  • Generate an invoice for every transaction.

  • Never use your PayPal account for sending and receiving money for strangers.

To make your PayPal account secure you need to abide by the rules of PayPal and make sure you are using it for a legitimate business.

About the Author:

We help you to Verify your PayPal Accounts and guide you how to get rid of PayPal Harrasment.We also offer Virtual Credit Cards to verify your bank account. Virtual credit cards also allow you to verfiy your Adwords and Ebay accounts and make purchases on the internet.

Article Source: - How to Deal With Paypal

Online Businesses

Online Businesses

Author: Jackie B

The downward-spiraling economy over the past months has made many citizens uneasy and has left several without jobs. The hunt for an alternative and easy income has been the main priority for thousands of people. But with an economy on the rocks, where do you look? The question to ask yourself is; what is one thing that has not been affected by the economy? The answer is simple: the internet.

Although it can often be a risky investment, online businesses, if done in a smart and safe way, can really pay off. There is always a need for new ideas and developments because businesses are constantly in rotation while some fail and some succeed. The good news is that you don’t necessarily have to start you own business although many people do. You can simply use your talents and interests to develop a flourishing fan-base. Here are three up and coming work-from-home jobs that can help you start a new life!

The most common form of online business is that in sales. EBay and are only a few of the websites dedicated to providing individuals with the means to sell items over the internet. While it has also become a leisurely trend among many, a few people have made it their main source of income. By selling limited edition items, valuables and even home-made items, people have made millions and millions of dollars. Some sellers are so successful that they become part of the EBay payroll which includes benefits and an hourly pay! Another way to sell online is to make your own website. Often these websites are created by innovative individuals who have developed a new product or idea. The trick is to market yourself correctly by getting the word out there about your website and what you sell. Google and yahoo are great search engines that can help circulate your business. If your website is a success you could be paid by online companies to post their advertisements on your websites! If used in moderation, this can bring in a steady amount of income.

Another online business that has been a big hit is writing. People are always looking for advice or interesting topics to read, so writing online articles or blogs can be a very successful form of business. You can use websites like or to create a public blog. There are also websites dedicated to giving different forms of advice to people, such as issues with health, politics, fitness and even Hollywood gossip. If you are a self-starter, you can create your own website dedicated to topics you are interested in. The trick is to get an audience. This can prove difficult because competition is heavy in this field. But if you are a good writer who knows how to capture an audience, start by asking friends to read your blogs or articles and maybe word will spread about it! You may even get offers from other online companies to post their advertisements on your page. You never know!

Another common at-home job is that of survey-taker. All major companies such as Target or Walmart require feedback from their shoppers to know what, how and why products are selling or why they aren’t selling. These surveys are usually constructed by detailed questions that require detailed answers so heavy shoppers are a plus! While there seems to be a large demand for survey-takers, be wary of illegitimate companies. You should never have to pay to receive a survey; you should only get paid to take it! Since there are so many different topics for surveys, it might be best to narrow down which categories you would be more informed about and more interested in. Also, sign up for different survey providing sites because only having one will not be worth it financially. Set up a separate email account dedicated to your surveys because they take up a lot of space. Most surveys take between 15 to 20 minutes to fill out and usually pay you $5 to $10. This may not seem like much but if you have a considerable amount of surveys coming in everyday (2 or 3), you will eventually have a nice profit going. There are also high-end research surveys that can pay $10 to $300 per survey, depending on the topic and your knowledge on the topic! There are several ways these companies will pay you for your time, some pay in cash, others in coupons and some even with free music downloads. The good news is that they will always tell you before hand what the payment is!

As always, be careful when using the internet to find your ideal at-home job. There are plenty of scams out there so do your research before jumping into these businesses. Make sure you are comfortable and in control of what you are doing or selling! Be your own boss!

About the Author:

Jackie B writes for MyCreditSearchSite where she reviews Payday Loans and Credit Offers

Article Source: - Online Businesses

Payment Options, the Great Need for Newbies

Payment Options, the Great Need for Newbies

Author: Jerson G. Jagmoc

Any other payment option than the usual credit cards, paypal, etc... is the real need of the newbie to start business online!

I believe, the number one hindrance of a newbie in starting an Online Business is not so much of money for start-up capital (in the purchase of the business package) but on how to pay, or transmit the payment to the merchant.

When almost all online business opportunities is funded through credit card, or paypal, the real fact is: majority of the business opportunity seekers has no credit card.

When I first knew about this online business, much of my eagerness to sign-up immediately, but having no credit card delayed me in signing into my choice-business. I cannot also qualify myself to apply for credit card, due to lack of necessary requirements.

I tried looking for a free online opportunities, until I found myself signing-up a free blog website at Clicking here and there, I learned about affiliate program without immediate investment, particularly, SFI Affiliate, as well as MoneyMakingOnline Affiliate.

I signed-up for free with SFI, and was given a deadline for 30 days to go Executive, by way of purchasing any of their products, in order to lock-up my position in the powerline network, to be able to avail commisions from down the powerline.

There were more than thirty thousand (30,000+ ) in my powerline, which were supposedly my prospective downlines. Unfortunately, I was not able to make it on the deadline.

However, just recently, I learned that SFI is adding more payment options. One of the most available in my country in the list is by way of " Western Union Money Transfer". They also added in the list, payment through Debit Cards which is also easy to secure and very available in many local commercial banks.

Then, at last! I can now secure my position in my powerline network, and expect a commission credit.

I believe, there are many in the browsing world, especially, opportunity-seekers having this similar problem. With this concern, I would like to challenge those legitimate Online Business company out there, to take the opportunity of addressing this problem in order to better serve the Newbie Masses.- And I think, that curious, hungry masses is more in number than the present registered online players. That means, a great, untopped market is at stake.

About the Author:

Article Source: - Payment Options, the Great Need for Newbies

How You Can Become a Super Affiliate in Niche Mark?

How You Can Become a Super Affiliate in Niche Mark?

Author: sanjay

38 million people have put up their very first websites online this year 2005 alone. It is estimated that by 2008, the internet sales industry will top then dollar bank. And to think, majority of those sites will be offering different affiliate programs for people to choose and participate into. This only means one thing. It is easier now to find the right web host for your application. The possibility of quality web hosting companies separating themselves from the rest of the industry is anticipated. If this is done, the unprofessional and incompetent ones will suffer . Support will be the number one consideration for people when choosing a web host. For more will be obvious that traditional advertising will become less and less effective. Most people would rather opt for the web host based on things that they see and hear. Also based on the recommendations by those who have tried them and have proved to be a successful. Over the past years, web hosting has grown bigger than it used to be. With more companies getting into this business and finding the many benefits it can give them, the demand for web hosting has never been higher. These seem to be the trend of today. This is a great opportunity for web hosting affiliates and resellers alike. There would hundreds of web hosting and programs to choose from that the difficulty in finding the right one for them is not a problem anymore. How does one become a successful affiliate in the niche markets using web hosting? If you think about it, everyone who needs a website needs a web hosting company to host it for them. As of now, there is really no leading hosting industry so most people choose hosts based from recommendations. Usually, they get it from the ones that have already availed of a web hosting services
When you have been with one host for quite some time and seem not to be making much despite all your effort, leave that one and look for another. There is no use in trying to stick to one when you would be before off in another one. Things will only have to get better from there because you already have been in worst situations. Try this out. If you are quite happy and satisfied with your web host, try to see if they are offering an affiliate program you can participate on. Instead of you paying them, why not make it the other way around; them paying you. For More details visit process can be as easy as putting a small “powered by” or “hosted by” link at the bottom of your page and you are already in an affiliate business. With the many hosts offering affiliate programs, there is the tendency to find the one which you think will work best for you. Think of the product you will be promoting. Pattern them to the site and see if they are catering to the same things as you are.
Why choose paying for your for your web hosting when you do not have to? Try to get paid by letting people know you like your web host. Always remember that when choosing a web host, choose the one that is known for its fantastic customer support.
There are also many hosting affiliate programs. Residual affiliate program is also being hosted. This is the program wherein you get paid a percentage every month for a client that you refer .This can allow you to have a steady source of income. With perseverance, you can even be quite successful in this field. Web hosting is just one affiliate market you could try out and make some good and continuous income. Just remember that to be successful on your endeavor also means that time, effort and patience is needed. Nobody has invented the perfect affiliate market yet. But some people do know how to make it big in this kind of market. It is just knowing your kind of market and making the earnings there. There are a lot of niche markets out there just waiting for the right affiliate to penetrate to them and make that dollars dream come true. Knowing which one to get into is being confident enough of your potentials and the good results you will be getting.

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Article Source: - How You Can Become a Super Affiliate in Niche Mark?

Easy Ways to Make Money Online With Little or No Money

Easy Ways to Make Money Online With Little or No Money

Author: Dennis Hennry

There is an increassing number of people who would like to know how to make money online, and this is great, mainly because of the wide array of opportunities that are littering the internet, so before you continue reaind this article, i would really prefer you leave the whole nortion that there are very little opportunities for making money online outside the door. Its quite shocking to hear people shying away from making money online because they are afraid of the stiff competition, There is no such thing as competition but there is such a thing as FEAR and you should get rid of it now.

Learn a simple strategy that can help you make money online with or without "competition"

The internet has opened alot of avenues, for one a a normal person without any business expereince can play on the same playing field witha big business. Okay enough said.

Learn simple ways that can help you start making money online

I am here to show you a simple way and how you can make money online with little or no money at all,

First of all there is no such thing as "getting rich overnight" but hold on i will show you a simple technique that can give you your first dollar in just one day, and if you repeat it more often the results wll keep on doubling.

Hearn of Google Adsense, Heard of Blogger, Heard of Weebly, heard of Ezine articles. If you have you understand the power, if you haven't let me sumarize, it for you these are tools that can bring tolat financial freedom for both you and your family.

Adsense is Google's owned proprietary tools where by Google pays you commissions for displaying relevant Ads on your page,( you get paid when these Ads get clicked) Join Google adsense (Its FREE)

Articles are very poewrful and almost always get picked by search engines, Start by writing articles which are surelly going to bring in traffic, Use Blogger and weebly(Adsense enable) as your landing pages or your dummy websites, Articles bring relevant traffic to your pages people click on your adsense Ads and you make money, Do this today and i assure you that by tomorrow you will wake up a few dollars richer, thats good ,and will give you the necessary motivation to keep going on.

Another thing writing articles to bring traffic is quite easy, but writing article to bring in targeted traffic is another story, its targeted traffic that you really need.

First know your target market (niche) this is where the money is trust me, Having a niche is the best and most easy way to make money online with or without any money.

Learn how you can find highly profitable niches in seconds.

About the Author:

Information is basically the 21st century most important tool, and nofor me its of great pride and joy to be apart of it. I have been an affiliate marketer for almost one year and all my failures and successes have taught me one thing, if you want something go for it, just keep in mind success is very much indeed inevitable.

Article Source: - Easy Ways to Make Money Online With Little or No Money

If You Aren’t Much for Designing Than Don’t Force it

If You Aren’t Much for Designing Than Don’t Force it

Author: Robert Johnston

Custom business cards are meant to be something personal, and the more personality a color business card has the better the business card will be.

This is the common knowledge surrounding business cards, and what many people try their best to achieve. That’s why you see so many custom business cards or full color business cards wherever you go, because these are people doing their best to get an interesting and unique business card out there that people are going to enjoy looking at.

Each time a person marvels at your business card they’re then going to transfer that admiration onto you, or so the hope is. When you hand someone a card that just wows them, every time they look back up and will start asking you about it. The closer the card is to you the more meaningful it becomes, and the more it can help drive your marketing and boost your sales.

Now, this desire to have a personal card is what leads many to decide that they should design their card themselves. This way they can know for certain that their business cards are going to reflect who they are and what business they run. When a person picks that business card up they’ll be taking a little look into who the person was that designed it, and this will help them feel closer to you.

However, what if you aren’t much for designing? Graphic design isn’t a skill that everyone just naturally has, and while business cards can be a little more basic in this regard, they’re still made through graphic design, and there are still a number of different things you need to be aware of before you dive into making one yourself.

What amplifies this is that the more unique a business card becomes the more difficult it can be for the card to be made right. A basic business card doesn’t need that much done to it in order for it to do its job, but are basic business cards infused with very much personality? Of course not, and that’s why people try to make their cards custom or interesting in some way.

Sometimes this can work well, but often you’ll end up making a card that looks like an odd assortment of shapes and colors, and while it will be custom, it won’t be effective.

Take a serious look at your skills and try to decide if making your own business card is really what you need to be doing. Each person has their own set of things they excel at the most, and if you try to force something you won’t be likely to end up with the best final product. Don’t let this happen to your business card if it can be avoided.

About the Author:

Visit these sites for more information on custom business cards and color business cards

Article Source: - If You Aren’t Much for Designing Than Don’t Force it

Finding the Right Logo Design Company

Finding the Right Logo Design Company

Author: Bill Jackson

You have an idea of what kind of logo you want. You pretty much did all the research into different ideas for a logo and are ready to put your ideas down on paper. Now what is your options for getting this logo made? Well first you can try to do it yourself by buying those logo kits that allow you to design your own logo. This probably isn’t a good idea because these kits are loaded with clip art and you’re going to want to avoid using clip art. Using clip art just screams amateur in your logo. The best alternative is to hire a professional to design your logo for you. Like most things that are professionally done, you get better results when not using a professional.
Now there are a ton of professional logo design companies out there on the internet. How do you choose the right one? First of all, you’re going to have to evaluate your budget. Now in this industry, “you get what you pay for” may not be the case. The same company that charges thousands of dollars to design a brand identity for you may offer services that you don’t need and the logo itself may not be any better than that of a company that charges much less. You will need to know what you need in terms of designing your brand. Do you need more than just a logo? Do you need any marketing advice etc… If you just need a logo there are companies that specialize in just making logos. Some charge more than others. Most companies that design logos will have samples on their websites. The samples on the websites are a good indication of the quality and skill of the designers at that company. Also, one other indication of a company’s skill is how they try to get information out of you in order to design your logo. The more customer service that they provide in this aspect, the chances are better for you getting a better logo.
In any case, you should do some research on logo companies. Many companies offer different services so you will need to compare apples to apples. However, their logo samples should be the biggest factor in deciding on who to go with. Once you decide on a company and you get the results that you wanted, you’ll see that the use of a professional was probably the best decision after all.

About the Author:

Article Source: - Finding the Right Logo Design Company

Joint Ventures- Promote Your Products

Joint Ventures- Promote Your Products


A joint venture (often abbreviated to JV) is a strategic alliance between two or more webmasters to undertake the promotion of products or services for mutual gains especially in profit sharing. The parties agree to create a new entity together by contributing their assets and they then share in the profits and control of the enterprise.
So how exactly does this help you promote your products to thousands of target customers?
If you are starting a web site solely for the purpose of developing an online business, you need to keep your costs low, at least until you start getting a steady income. Depending on a variety of reasons including the type of product or service you are promoting, the demand for these, your advertising strategies etc, it may take a while for you to see a good return on the time, money and energy you have expended. Even if you are happy with the way your online business is running, you may find that after sometime it has reached a plateau. The best way to overcome this is to have an ever expanding list of new and targeted visitors coming to your site, to which you can promote your products/services.
One of the easiest ways of achieving this is through Joint Ventures. Although the joint venture process is simple, it is a powerful marketing strategy because once your online business website strikes up a partnership with another website, you can begin to leverage the web assets of your partner's site.
If your partner has Opt-in Lists or high traffic capability, then you also stand to benefit from these features. For more detail go to: is a powerful marketing concept. Joint ventures utilize this to create a strong bonded relationship and goodwill among other companies, especially those with established clientele that are your potential customers/buyers. Joint venture's main draw is that it is a total win-win solution. You and your joint venture partner leverage each other's assets and resources for mutual benefits. You and your joint venture partner gain new customers and your subscribers get access to new and diverse products. You do not have to spend too much or even risk failure. Moreover, you get a chance to have your products marketed by using other people's resources. If your joint venture partner has an already established website , you gain a very fast way of marketing your products and services and establish a credible reputation.
Joint venture can also bring you new subscribers and customers without your having to spend anything. You get to leverage your partner's web traffic and let your products and services be exposed to their existing subscribers and customers. If you have a new website that is struggling to increase traffic, joint ventures help you to get the necessary traffic and to attract potential customers by the thousands.
What you should do in order to profit from Joint Ventures
Have a plan - Choose those websites related to your online business website. Take the time to locate those that sell to your target market. Consider also what products or services they are selling. Be clear about the attributes you seek in a partner. Make sure however, that they are indexed in Google. Also, in negotiating with your potential partners, always be prepared for some give and take.
Have clear goals and expectations - As a new comer to joint venturing and especially if you are not well known in the field, you might find it hard to link with the better known marketers. Sweeten the deal for them by offering them something they don't have - perhaps a new and good product or service that complements theirs, a list of loyal and targeted subscribers, even if the list is not very big or offer your knowledge and expertise in the form of a free eBook or report in exchange for the free exposure and publicity your business needs.
Publicize your Joint Venture - Make sure that your subscribers know well in advance that there is a joint venture coming up.
for more detail go to: Encourage them to inform other interested marketers whom they know, of the event, so that they can also join up. You can increase your subscriber base this way even before the joint venture starts. Make sure that the JV promotion emails have passed through the spam filter checks to avoid having them deleted.
Joint venture partnership not only helps in driving traffic to both your sites, you can also help each other to increase your respective search engine rankings. A profitable joint venture can mean a good amount of money in a short period of time; it can bring your products and services to the right market without spending a cent of your own money.

About the Author:

Article Source: - Joint Ventures- Promote Your Products

Is Home Business Suitable for You?

Is Home Business Suitable for You?

Author: alloke613

Is home business suitable for everyone? A home based business is suitable for those who are like other successful home business owners. What do successful home business owners have? If you are wondering what you must have like other successful home business owners having, then you should read through this articles.

What is home business?

A home business is a business that operates inside the home of the business owner. Usually is a small business. Since home business is operating inside a house, the business owner does not stuck in traffic jam everyday to go to office. The business owner runs home business by himself, no workers is needed. He gets all the income and profits gained in a home business. Usually a home business can earn about few thousands or more each month. Is it attracted you to start a home business? No traffic jams, no workers, and high profit, relax at home, more free time to spend with family.

Many websites are promoting different types of home businesses, such as affiliate programs, multi-level marketing (MLM); resell rights of particular products and many more. Some websites are even stating no experience needed, easy to start, guaranteed system, earning more than you expected and other attracting words to attract more prospects. The system is very fantastic and easy, so it attracted many new leads to join. After some time, some people cheer with joys of his success but some fail to gain any profit and yet getting more and more credit card bills. They success because they suitable to run a home business but the others not.

Is home business suitable for everyone?

Home business is suitable for people who has the following.

Successful home business owners are ordinary people like all of us but they occupied something more which is a strong will to success. Having a strong will to success is very important in completing any task, achieving any goal or doing anything. Everyone knows Michael Jordan because he is the best basketball player in NBA. He achieves his success in basketball career because he has a strong will to success. He was sincerely asked his basketball coach to allow him practice with the school team although he needs to work for the team. He had a strong will to success so he is willing to do anything to achieve his aim to become a basketball player. Same thing to home business, everyone can achieve his goals with a strong will to success.

Next, a successful home business owner is very persistence in running a home business. He will constantly check the web page he owned; check the sales, traffics and advertisements to ensure everything is working. Rom is not built in a night, so home businesses need a period of time to see the result. Only those works persistently without giving up will be able to see the success. Many people tried to start a home business but failed because they do not want to contribute persistently in home business. They work a little and not persistent to advertise but hoping to get a lot of sales. After two months they see no results and just close the business. Every business needs time and effort to get a long term and significant result.

Besides that, positive attitudes are necessary for a positive growth of business. A home business owner which inhabited with positive attitudes will face the problem positively, seeking high and low for the best solution to solve the question. When encounter with problems, those without positive attitude will close the business, blame the market, blame the workers, blame everyone but not looking for a suitable solution. Positive attitude is needed to run a home business because we definitely will face some problems such as family, money, time management, customers and the sales problems.

Last but not least, every successful people are good learners. Successful home business owners are always ready to learn the new techniques, learn from the mistakes, and learn the business ethics. Those who do not learn will not be able to follow up with the changes of global trends and lose to the good learners. So we must love to learn everything available from surrounding. There is always a learning curve before a success. We are learning since we are infants and we need to keep learning till the last breath.

Want to know more about home business?

Home business requires good time management and some investments. Besides, home business owner needs to prepare mentally by having a strong will to success, love the business and be positive minded. A successful home business owner is always ready with his strong will and positive mindset to face any problems.

If you decide to step into a pre-designed and complete turn-key online money-making venture, then you must select the right venture to step into. If this is your decision, I encourage you to examine the Plug In Profit Site at:

About the Author:

Alex Loke is the owner of and reviews popular home business ideas and opportunities to help home business seekers find reliable home business opportunities that actually work. Alex's #1 home business recommendation is the Plug-In Profit Site where you can get your own home business website setup to earn multiple streams of affiliate income within the next 24 hours. Click here to get your free e-course and free e-book.

Article Source: - Is Home Business Suitable for You?

Working Smart to Make Money Online – Building a Passive Income

Working Smart to Make Money Online – Building a Passive Income

Author: Eric Frye

When it comes to making money online, it’s not all about how much you work, it’s about how smart you work. One of the smartest ways to make money online is to earn a passive income. This will get you the most out of your time and money.

According to Wikipedia, a passive income “is a rent received on a regular basis, with little effort required to maintain it.” In other words, passive income is money that you make without having to do any extra work for it.

In terms of making money online, this would mean being involved with a program that can make you money after you’ve stopped working. You would bring people into the program and you continue to get paid for people that they bring in to the program and so on.

This is also known as a residual income. You are leveraging the work of other people to make money. Why bust your butt to promote, to sell, and to build your business only to make one sale at a time and never see money from those individual sales again? Of course, there are businesses that this will still work wonders for your income that don’t supply passive income, but if you can get yourself aligned to continually make money from one sale, you’re income will only improve, especially in the long run.

This kind of income holds true for many programs on the Internet today, each one having a different pay plan with it’s own perks. This also works with affiliate marketing, as some products you sell require memberships in which may pay you monthly as the person you sold to renews their membership.

Building a passive income does just that. It builds your income week after week, month after month. Take advantage of the thousands of people that are trying to do the same thing as you, make money online. Building an income online is a lot of hard work, but the smarter you work the wealthier you can become by doing less work and using your time much more efficiently.

About the Author:

My name is Eric Frye and I'm a full-time home business owner. I have worked from home for less than a year but I have become increasingly knowledgeable in many aspects of online business and marketing.

I have found much success with

IPC Instant Cash
, a new program that builds your income week after week. I pride myself in getting involved with great programs and getting other people involved so they too can become successful making money online. I dedicated my website, the Team Up With Frye Online Business Center, to this goal.

This article can be viewed in it's original form here.

Article Source: - Working Smart to Make Money Online – Building a Passive Income

Tips for Information Product Marketing

Tips for Information Product Marketing

Author: James Malinchak

Selling information products requires an understanding of your market. A person often creates an information product because they perceive that there is a need in the market place for a product on a particular topic. If you create and sell information products, you need to know your product and market inside out.

When selling info products it is critical you ensure that there is a ‘buying market’ for your product. There may be thousands of people who need your product, but that does not mean that they want to buy your product. For example, you may have a great product that you are sure university students need, but in actual fact they have no money to buy it so the sales may be very few. Therefore, even though they have the desire to buy, it will not be realized because they cannot afford it.

Or, you could have a product that you are sure will help people save money, but the buyers may be happy just the way they are, therefore, they do not want the product.

So, when marketing products you need to find people who want it. Product marketing will not be successful if you try to sell to people who do not want to help themselves.

Your best buyers/customers will be those that understand the need to have as much information about a certain topic in order to be one of the best there is in their chosen field. These buyers will be the easiest to sell information products to. They have a thirst for knowledge that is almost unquenchable. Or, alternatively, your buyers may have the desire and motivation to change the way things are for them at that particular time.

These people are career people are wanting to have the ‘slight edge’ and improve themselves with any information they can find.

For example, if you are marketing information products to real estate agents, you are going to be marketing a product to people who have chosen real estate selling as a career, and you will also be selling to people who are just ‘trying out real estate to see if they like it”.

The reality of that scenario is that, the person ‘trying out real estate’ is the one who probably needs the products the most but, in actual fact, it will more than likely be the person who has chosen real estate as a career who will buy the products. Why? Because they want to know everything there is to know, so that they will be successful and make lots of money.

There are 5 reasons why people buy.
1. Those who want to take a part of you home because they have been to a seminar with a celebrity speaker. They you’re your autograph. They can show it to their friends because they think it may enrich their lives.
2. They believe that your product will give them benefits.
3. They believe that the product will solve their problem.
4. They think that they will be able to finish reading the book (keep them short and full of details).
5. People, in general, like to buy.

It is important when selling info products that you market your product in such a way that it appears to be the best on the market. Use comparisons to make your product stand out. A simple comparison would be to say: “I keep my books short and to the point, because I know people don’t have time to wade through a thick book, trying to find the facts that they are after”. is where you can find over 100+ hours of downloadable audio and video lessons that will show you how to make $100,000 to $1,000,000 dollars PER YEAR as a professional speaker. James Malinchak, the author of this article can be your online business coach and mentor. Simply visit to get started today with several FREE professional speaking audio recordings.

**Attn Ezine editors/Site owners**

Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine or on your site as long as you leave all links in place. You may not modify the content and must include our resource box as listed above. You may sign up as an affiliate at and insert your affiliate links.

About the Author:

James Malinchak of has delivered over 2,200 motivational presentations at conferences and meetings worldwide. Currently, James owns three business, has authored eight books, and has read and researched over 1,500 books on personal and professional development, making him the top public speaking business coach in the world.

Article Source: - Tips for Information Product Marketing

Five Brilliant Ideas for Traffic Generation

Five Brilliant Ideas for Traffic Generation

Author: samah abdulkarim

Five Brilliant Ideas for Traffic Generation

The life of affiliate marketing business depends on traffic. No traffic, no site to exist. It will help you increase your click ratio and sales commissions. Here are the 5 ways to drive visitors to your website:

Blogging - like a web diary where you can write interesting articles for readers. The articles you made can be use to link your readers to your site also known as back links. Back links can help you to improve search engine ranking. Register one of your blogs on and Google will promote your blog in 2 days with RSS feeds to gain more traffic.

Forums – a fun way to promote your business where you can post questions and answers to learn a lot and help others. Advertisements are not allowed here but you can display your email signature every time you post.

Viral Marketing - one of the oldest and best forms of marketing. You can give away an e-book on your site and have a couple of links and a full-page ad in the back for your product or service. Grant permission to your readers to give away the book and see this promotion snowball.

Social Marketing – one good example is MySpace. Myspace is now being used as a popular way of marketing products and services.

Article Distribution - a powerful way to promote your business where you can write interesting and informative articles for your readers. It will bring many visitors to your site. If you want to save time, visit to get many resources including free weekly content that you can also use for your article distribution.

Avoiding Affiliate Scams

Affiliate marketing helps you in making your business profitable and fun at the same time. The key is choosing the right programs. You can benefit with the good programs either be involved with scams that will not pay you for your hardships and owe you the commission you deserve in the end.

How to avoid scams: The best way to avoid these scams, do your research well. Consider these points before joining:

1. Does the company have good support? Do they answer emails and have valid contact information?

2. Do they have a valid offline address?

3. What % of commission do they pay; 30%-50% is the best.

4. Tracking system - this should be in real time and accurate.

5. Products should be well targeted for your market and of good quality.

Where to research:

1. Forums related to your industry. There are many savvy people who use the forums for reference. You can ask advice from others base on the programs they use.

2. Discussion lists.

3. Look into the program carefully.

4. Put the company name, plus the word scam, into the search engines and see what comes up. Use your own judgment, as sometimes these reviews may not be 100% true.

GOLDEN RULE: Look before you join to prevent being victimized with these scams. It is advisable if you ask other people's opinions. Do not rush, choose good reliable programs wisely that will give you the profits you want for many years to come.

MoreNiche Affiliate Program is considered one of the highest paying affiliate programs with a complete transparent operation. See a credible detailed statistics and a dynamic top 10 performer’s page at

About the Author:

affiliate and internet marketer.

Article Source: - Five Brilliant Ideas for Traffic Generation

Mind Mapping: an Example How-to Guide

Mind Mapping: an Example How-to Guide

Author: Kevin Hensey

Mind mapping is a breakthrough concept wherein you will use the properties of association to come up with a drawing, map, or illustration of the ideas lodged in your brain about a particular topic.

Sounds confusing? Actually, mind mapping is a lot easier than what you think. This is because this technique or concept follows the natural workings of the brain – which associates one word with another word to have a clear picture of the overall idea.

For example, if you say technology, there are several things that will instantly come to your mind. This central theme can branch out to the Internet, gadgets, mobile devices, telecommunications – the list is practically endless. Thus, mind mapping will give you more leeway when it comes to freedom of expression in the sense that one keyword is not just limited to one sub-topic, but it can branch out to several sub-topics. This will help you easily remember and understand the main concept which is represented by one word.

To have a deeper understanding of the process of mind mapping, take a look at the following example and how-to guide:

  1. On a piece of paper, write down the central idea or the main theme of the topic that you want to tackle. Enclose it in a box or circle.

  1. From this main word, what other words can you associate with it? Take the aforementioned example which is technology. How many branches of technology are there? From the circle of box that you have drawn in the middle of the paper, draw branches or curved arrows surrounding the main theme and connect them all together.

  1. If you can think of other sub-topics under the branches of technology, place another batch of boxes or circles to represent these sub-topics.

  1. Let all your ideas branch out until you are satisfied with the results and you have exhausted all the possibilities.

The resulting illustration will be the result of your mind mapping. Now, isn't this easier than making copious and detailed notes about the branches of technology and all the other sub-topics under it.

You will surely remember this map by heart because you are the one who made it – which is a plus factor, aside from the fact that visual maps are easier to remember than attempting to memorize pages of lists.

There are also mind mapping software available for you, since a lot of people find the process so useful and time-saving. No matter which method of mind mapping you choose, be it using a mind mapping software or through the traditional pen and paper – the important thing is that you can enjoy the benefits of living up to your brain's potential by making use of this ingenious mind mapping technique.

Put your mind on overdrive: “The Power of Mind Mapping”

About the Author:

Kevin Hensey speaks at business clubs and prisons on personal growth. He has written articles regarding personal development.

His website is:

Article Source: - Mind Mapping: an Example How-to Guide

International Market Outlook on Nephrology and Urology

International Market Outlook on Nephrology and Urology

Author: Bharat Book Bureau is proud to announce the new report "Global Nephrology and Urology Devices Industry Report: Detailed Analysis of the Medical Equipment & Medical Devices Market Covering Renal Dialysis Equipment, Lithotripters and Incontinence Medical Devices and Supplies" from its vast collection of informative market research reports.

This report is an essential source for key information and data relating to the Global Nephrology and Urology Devices market. The report provides overview of key trends, drivers and restraints, future outlook, pipeline products, news, financial deals and competitive landscape and key developments in the Global Nephrology and Urology Devices market. It also offers global, regional and country level, detailed and comprehensive coverage of market revenue, volume, distribution and company share information.


  • This report provides detailed global, regional (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South and Central America, and Middle East and Africa) and country level (United States, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, and Japan) data on market size by volume and value for the sub-segments in the “Category” market.
  • It gives key company share information for leading competitors, revenues by distribution channel and forecasts of market values for the sub-segments at global, regional and country level.
  • It also provides overview of the market structure, key trends, drivers and restraints, future outlook, competitive landscape and key developments.
  • All figures are based on rigorous research methodologies including in-depth primary and secondary research.

Reasons to buy

  • A single source to fulfil all of your business and competitor intelligence needs
  • Gain a strong understanding of the industry at a global level, with break downs for 37 countries
  • Evaluate and compare the attractiveness of the market in different geographies.
  • Identify growth segments and opportunities in the industry.
  • Evaluate the pipeline of key products that will change the sector, and identify threats and opportunities before the products are launched.
  • Analyze the competitiveness of the market in different countries and regions and identify hotspots.
  • Develop strategies based on the latest product, brand, expansion and research and development news.
  • Do deals with an understanding of how competitors are financed, and the mergers and partnerships that have shaped the market.
  • Identify and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the industry incumbents.

Or contact us at:

Bharat Book Bureau

207, Hermes Atrium, Sector 11, PO Box.54,

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About the Author:

Bharat Book Bureau provides strategic information tools to the executives, business analysts, and knowledge managers that will help them to probe into and support critical, timely business decisions and strategies.

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Article Source: - International Market Outlook on Nephrology and Urology


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