Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tips for Information Product Marketing

Tips for Information Product Marketing

Author: James Malinchak

Selling information products requires an understanding of your market. A person often creates an information product because they perceive that there is a need in the market place for a product on a particular topic. If you create and sell information products, you need to know your product and market inside out.

When selling info products it is critical you ensure that there is a ‘buying market’ for your product. There may be thousands of people who need your product, but that does not mean that they want to buy your product. For example, you may have a great product that you are sure university students need, but in actual fact they have no money to buy it so the sales may be very few. Therefore, even though they have the desire to buy, it will not be realized because they cannot afford it.

Or, you could have a product that you are sure will help people save money, but the buyers may be happy just the way they are, therefore, they do not want the product.

So, when marketing products you need to find people who want it. Product marketing will not be successful if you try to sell to people who do not want to help themselves.

Your best buyers/customers will be those that understand the need to have as much information about a certain topic in order to be one of the best there is in their chosen field. These buyers will be the easiest to sell information products to. They have a thirst for knowledge that is almost unquenchable. Or, alternatively, your buyers may have the desire and motivation to change the way things are for them at that particular time.

These people are career people are wanting to have the ‘slight edge’ and improve themselves with any information they can find.

For example, if you are marketing information products to real estate agents, you are going to be marketing a product to people who have chosen real estate selling as a career, and you will also be selling to people who are just ‘trying out real estate to see if they like it”.

The reality of that scenario is that, the person ‘trying out real estate’ is the one who probably needs the products the most but, in actual fact, it will more than likely be the person who has chosen real estate as a career who will buy the products. Why? Because they want to know everything there is to know, so that they will be successful and make lots of money.

There are 5 reasons why people buy.
1. Those who want to take a part of you home because they have been to a seminar with a celebrity speaker. They you’re your autograph. They can show it to their friends because they think it may enrich their lives.
2. They believe that your product will give them benefits.
3. They believe that the product will solve their problem.
4. They think that they will be able to finish reading the book (keep them short and full of details).
5. People, in general, like to buy.

It is important when selling info products that you market your product in such a way that it appears to be the best on the market. Use comparisons to make your product stand out. A simple comparison would be to say: “I keep my books short and to the point, because I know people don’t have time to wade through a thick book, trying to find the facts that they are after”. is where you can find over 100+ hours of downloadable audio and video lessons that will show you how to make $100,000 to $1,000,000 dollars PER YEAR as a professional speaker. James Malinchak, the author of this article can be your online business coach and mentor. Simply visit to get started today with several FREE professional speaking audio recordings.

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About the Author:

James Malinchak of has delivered over 2,200 motivational presentations at conferences and meetings worldwide. Currently, James owns three business, has authored eight books, and has read and researched over 1,500 books on personal and professional development, making him the top public speaking business coach in the world.

Article Source: - Tips for Information Product Marketing


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