Thursday, July 23, 2009

Want Your Business to be Recession Proof?

Want Your Business to be Recession Proof?

Author: umesh

Want Your Business To Be Recession Proof?

December 2008- Ever wonder why some businesses suffer and others flourish during times of a recession? The key element is continuity income. This means income that is generated by a subscription, creating a steady, predictable flow of monthly income.

During times of economic recession it is important that consumers have individuals and services they can count on. People are looking for ongoing help to solve their problems, whether it be assistance in saving money, increasing business profits, or providing an ongoing safety net.

“The key is to position yourself as the go to company to solve a person's or business’s problem, and to create an ongoing relationship where the value you offer is far beyond what they pay you on an ongoing basis” says David Moskowitz of Membership Academy, a site specializing in teaching websites how to create continuity income and create their own membership site.

The professional staff at Membership Academy provides people looking to add a reliable and effective membership element to their website with the information and expertise necessary for success. Through articles, video tutorials and an interactive forum, Membership Academy is a one-stop shop for everything needed to garner a membership profit.

Membership Academy recognizes that people do not have the disposable income that they used to and therefore have chosen to offer many of their tutorials, videos and articles for free. With topics ranging from include “9 Mistakes That Are Costing You New Subscribers”, “How To Choose A Membership System”, “Membership Software Comparison Site” and “7 Techniques For Getting Traffic For Your New Site”, Membership Academy has something for everyone looking to expand their knowledge of membership websites.

“Membership Academy strives to provide its users with the most up to date, relevant and useful information available,” states founder, Dave Moskowitz. “Our satisfaction is knowing that you are profiting from our tools.”

After taking a look at what Membership Academy has to offer they bet that you will see this not as a luxury for your website but a much needed element. In offering a premium, paid membership, Membership Academy offers enhanced access to even more information, tutorials and forums. Premium users also receive vital information about choosing the best payment processor for your site, two copy-writing aces helping you to create exciting, fun to read copy, an email guru teaching you how to stay in contact with your newly signed up members, step-by-step video tutorials about adding new elements, such as Wordpress, to your site, access to rapid content creation specialists and more!

Membership Academy prides itself on providing immeasurable support and knowledge to all of its users. To prove how effective and lucrative it can be for your site, Membership Academy provides detailed product reviews and comparisons of other membership software, payment processors, mailing list software, CMS systems, affiliate software and forum software for you to consider.

In honor of the holiday spirit, Membership Academy has slashed their one time subscription fee for premium membership to $79.95, with $19.95 a month thereafter. Unlike other sites who send you passwords or materials in the mail, Membership Academy gives you immediate access to all premium member benefits with your subscription.

Don’t let the economy get you down. Prove to your customers that you are here to stay by accessing and enjoying all of the benefits, educational materials and support available at

For Press Inquiries Contact:

David Moskowitz


About the Author:

writing/publishing article

Article Source: - Want Your Business to be Recession Proof?


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