Thursday, July 23, 2009

"Get Yourself Rich With Auctions!"

"Get Yourself Rich With Auctions!"

Author: Fraser Geddes

"Get Yourself Rich With Auctions!" The Internet is EXPLODING With Growth. Within the next 3 years experts predict Internet sales will reach an astounding $103 trillion. A larger portion of this than you may think will be generated by auctions run by success minded marketers just like you.

The internet is the hottest new way for the average person to get rich leveraging the web in the shortest time possible. It's amazing what an auction...basically a form of competition does to people and their buying processes. An ordinary gadget that would sit on the shelf at a local thrift shop for years at $1.98 amazingly flies off the auction block for $15! or even higher all day long. We won't go into the psychology behind this, other than to say it is something you can use to profit well.

You see E-bay claim to get an incredible 80,000 new customers every single day. A mind blowing 130 million people worldwide use E-bay to shop. Not only that there are well over 400,000 people making a full time living on E-bay and most of them trade with nothing more than cheap second hand goods....There is nowhere else on the planet where you will find such an eager and responsive market.

There's a lot of "get rich quick" scams out there, but with a little dicipline E-bay is the real thing, a completely legitimate business you can start and run from the comfort of your own home. With all this buying and selling taking place it's no wonder people are making money. Regardless of what you are selling with a worldwide potential of literally millions viewing your product at any one time, there's a good chance it will sell quickly and for a lot more than you could ever get in a local sale or regional newspaper.

According to the Wall Street Journal an average couple from Wyoming is raking in a whopping $600,000 a year just from E-bay.

A commercial fisherman from New Hampshire was browsing in an antique shop when he found a copy of Edgar Allan Poe's first book bought it for $15 and later auctioned it on E-bay for $198,000!

Ms. Echols from just outside Milwaukee, sold a 1880 piece of porcelain from England originally costing $61 just 10 days after a starting bid of only $295!

...And the stories go on and on...

You can start selling on E-bay by finding things around the house you don't want- a garage sale in cyberspace. Once you're comfortable with a few of these transactions you can start looking to build a business and make real money online.

E-bay has many benefits. You don't require any inventory to begin nor do you need to invest a lot. You can start today, literally, and grow the business as much as you want. There has never been a market place like this before and you can see why the founders have done incredibly well for theselves.

The main concern about any kind of financial transaction is security- as a buyer will you get what you wanted and as a seller will you get paid? E-bay is an innovator in online transaction management and they have a lot of features that make the market place quite reliable and safe. Further Details Only at : ..............................And :

About the Author:

I'm 44 year old male with my own company namely Transmart UK Ltd. which retails digital information products online and offline. I also like writing articles and have had a deal of success with copywriting.

I live & work in Ayrshire, Scotland and have many and varied hobbies and pursuits. One of my main ones to date is "The Venus Project"

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Article Source: - "Get Yourself Rich With Auctions!"


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